Translation Service with Expert Team | Mirora Translation



Why Subtitles Matter In Visual Experience

Subtitles are one of the most important elements of a visual experience. They can make or break an audience's ability to understand and enjoy a film, game, or TV show. We'll explore subtitling and why it is important in today's article. What is subtitling? Subtitling is providing additional text synchronized…
by | January 17, 2023

Common Misconceptions about the Translation Industry

This high-speed world we live in is changing and transforming daily; of course, the translation world takes its share of these changes. We are going through interesting times in the translation industry. In the past, knowing a foreign language was a sign of dignity, but now it is not so…
by | January 13, 2023

Transcription, Not Your First Time Hearing It

When you enter the world of translation, you will see it has many branches. Before starting the translation process, many actions are carried out on a project basis and in line with the customer's request. Transcription, also known as deciphering, is frequently used these days. This may be the first…
by | January 4, 2023

Breaking Down the Art of Translation

As technology has evolved, translation services have found a way to become more accurate, reliable, and accessible. But how do they work? What's the breakdown of how these services function? In today's blog post, we'll explain some of the basics of translation services in simple terms so that you can…
by | December 27, 2022

8 Christmas Traditions From Around the World to Bring A Little Something Special to Your Holiday

Christmas is a time for friends and family, receiving gifts, and most of all giving back. From decorating Christmas trees to decorating Christmas cookies and baking Christmas pudding, there are many festive things one can do during the holiday season. It's interesting how people celebrate Christmas in many different ways…
by | December 21, 2022

Is It Localization or Internationalization?

If your business is ready to go global, you may be wondering what the difference is between localization and internationalization. Both of the processes help prepare businesses for success abroad by localizing and translating content into other languages, but that's where it stops. To figure out which talent you need…
by | December 13, 2022

3 Reasons Machine Translation Keeps Failing You

Have you ever been browsing a website and thought to yourself “this makes no sense” or “why would I ever…”? The reason for this could be the use of a machine translation service. Machine translation services can be useful in certain situations, but it is always better to have your…
by | December 6, 2022

Turkish Translation: Can It Help Your Business?

Turkish is a language that may not seem as well-known or as popular as others. Some people may only know a few phrases of Turkish and others might have never even heard of it. But one thing many people might not know is that Turkish is the fourth most widely…
by | November 29, 2022

7 Awesome Things About Translators No One Ever Told You

Translators are awesome, and we love them. That's why we've compiled a list of fun facts about translators that you may not have heard before. 1. They know a little about everything and a lot about some things Translators are often thought of as being world-class experts in their one…
by | November 22, 2022

Why Video Game Localization Is Crucial for Global Business

As video games are becoming more and more popular, and their audiences are growing in size and diversity, translation and localization are becoming more important to developers. It is now recognized that not localizing a game correctly can have devastating effects on overall sales and revenue. In regions where cultural…
by | November 15, 2022

3 Reasons to Get English – Italian Translation Services

If you are an entrepreneur looking to enter the Italian market, or an Italian business owner looking to expand internationally, you'll find that language is a major barrier. But it doesn't have to be! English-Italian translation services can help bridge the gap between these cultures and languages. Here are three…
by | November 8, 2022

Website Localization: Why It Matters & How It Can Benefit Your Business

Localization is a hot topic in the world of international business. With the internet, companies can reach out and touch customers all over the world—however, how do you make sure that your website is ready to do just that? Translation vs. Localization The term "translation" refers to the process of…
by | November 1, 2022

Tips on How to Reduce Translation Costs

If you're a business owner, you know the importance of localization. You can't afford to ignore your international customers and lose out on potential revenue. But how do you get started? How do you choose a translation agency that's right for your business? And how do you ensure that your…
by | October 25, 2022

Is Localization a New Term for Translation?

The world of translation is changing day by day. New opportunities, new business areas, and new visions are emerging. The translation profession no longer means simply transferring words by looking at a dictionary. With globalization, many unique job descriptions have appeared in the translation sector, one of which is localization.…
by | October 17, 2022

Quality Translation Service in a Changing World

We live in a digital world. People used to make photo albums; now, memories are collected on social media platforms. In old times, friends used to go to the cinema, but now they watch series or movies simultaneously on online platforms such as Netflix and talk via the chat box.…
by | October 10, 2022

Spanish Translation

With 570 million Spanish speakers, 470 million of whom are native, Spanish ranks as the second most spoken language in the world. However, it is logical in such a vast geography that different dialects are used in different regions. In addition, word context varies according to the culture. Therefore, as…
by | October 3, 2022

World Translation Day – A World Without Barriers

Did you know there are more than 7,000 languages spoken all over the world? It's important to remember that many languages also have different dialects. Here, the translation profession contributes to the communication of people who speak different languages and to the accessibility of information. Every year on September 30th,…
by | September 26, 2022

Does Your Company Need Website Translation Services?

The invention of the Internet has changed the course of marketing. Nowadays, everything is just a click away, and the world is your oyster! However, as business owners, you still have to reach as many customers as possible. The way to do that is to make your website available in…
by | September 21, 2022

Two Different Translation Methods in the Film Industry: Subtitle translation and dubbing

Since the French Lumiere brothers brought the first film to the screen, cinema's place in everyday life has increased. Going to the movies has become a social activity. With the pandemic, subscription-based streaming platforms such as Netflix and Disney+ have become more widespread. Thanks to these platforms, we had the…
by | September 12, 2022

What Is Not a Translation?

When you use a search engine to find out "What translation is," you come across hundreds, maybe thousands of results. Some of the results mention translation, translation techniques, and translation history, while others describe the translation services they provide. There are various answers to the question of what translation is. So, what…
by | September 5, 2022

Game Translation: Essential for an Authentic Experience

In 1972, Magnavox Odyssey, the first video game, was launched. It was run by connecting to your television and had just a few simple game options. Even so, it was a massive success at the time. When looking at today's video games, precisely 40 years after the release of the…
by | August 29, 2022

Interpretation and Translation

Have you ever realized that translation departments are named Translation and Interpretation? If you have, you may have wondered what interpretation means. Translation services are split into two at the fundamental level: written and oral. The act of orally translating is called interpreting because, as opposed to written translation, interpreting is based…
by | August 22, 2022

Introducing the Netherlander’s Language

Netherlandic vs. Dutch Different dialects and accents of Netherlandic are spoken in different regions, and this language is more commonly known as Dutch. Contrary to popular belief, Dutch is one of the dialects of Netherlandic other than Flemish. Netherlandic belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family. Dutch…
by | August 15, 2022

Attention University Candidates Registering for an English-Turkish Translation Department!

It's college preference time! First, congratulations to all of you. This period can be very stressful for young people. Not to mention the fact that everyone wants to give you their advice! In such a crucial period, we wanted to introduce you to these English and Turkish translation departments and help you…
by | August 8, 2022

Ukrainian Translation

We often hear about English translation, German translation, and Russian translation, but Ukrainian translation sounds quite unusual to our ears when we hear it despite our familiarity with Ukraine. As Mirora, we wanted to provide a Ukrainian translation guide for everyone.   UKRAINIAN? ISN'T UKRAINIAN TRANSLATION BASICALLY RUSSIAN? Even though…
by | August 2, 2022

Is the translation profession facing extinction?

Translation is evolving as a profession. Machine translation tools play a significant role in the translation process. As translators, we must accept that MT tools are our allies and not our enemies. If you are a translator or a student in translation studies, you have probably been frustrated with people…
by | July 26, 2022

Professional Translation Programs

In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best professional translation programs that help keep us up to speed with the latest technology and look at the advantages of these programs compared to others used by professional translation companies like us. What do Professional Translation Programs Provide? Professional…
by | July 19, 2022

How did I go grey at twenty-three while translating a book?

You opened the cover, glanced at the title, and turned it over to see what the book was about. Then you grabbed a pen or opened a Word file and began to translate. You failed on the very first step. Translating a book is a challenging task. You can’t just open to…
by | July 4, 2022

Medical Translation Service

Undoubtedly, all translation projects are important and should be taken seriously; however, one may have deadly consequences: medical translation. Accuracy in medical translation is vital because mistranslation may lead to fatal consequences. When receiving healthcare, a language barrier should not be an issue. Everyone has the right to access healthcare services…
by | June 27, 2022

Russian English Translation

The Russia – Ukraine war shook the world deeply. As plurilateral discussions gained momentum, the demand for translation and interpretation services grew rapidly. During these tragic days, two language combinations come to the fore: Russian and English. Russian English During times of war, translation and interpretation always come to the…
by | June 21, 2022

What Does Your Company Need? Localization vs. Translation

The importance of localization is appreciated more and more each day as the world shifts to an increasingly virtual environment. Thanks to the improvement of the internet, the world is now your oyster. You can access a product customarily sold worlds away with just one click. Globalization has led to fierce competition…
by | June 13, 2022

Korean Translation

Did you know the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) has prepared a list of languages according to how difficult they are to learn and the approximate time an English speaker would have to spend to learn each language? Without a doubt, language experts may disagree with the rankings; however, this list…
by | June 7, 2022

Document Translation

Day by day, the world is getting smaller, and language barriers are becoming more evident with this globalization process. Both written and spoken communication are essential to not being left behind during this fast-paced transition. To overcome these language barriers, translation services lie at the heart of globalization. Businesses need…
by | May 31, 2022

Is There Anyone Brave Enough To Translate From Turkish To Japanese?

The demand for Turkish-Japanese translation is on the rise! We can follow a series of events from the 13th century to today if we think of Turkish-Japanese relations. When it comes to interactions - cultural, political, economic, social; the list goes on - the need for quality translation between the…
by | May 23, 2022

What is a Certified Translator?

COULD I BECOME A CERTIFIED TRANSLATOR? Most of us have heard the words “certified translator” a time or two, but few of us can come up with the job description. Well, what is a certified translator? A certified translator is a professional title given to those who have proven their…
by | May 17, 2022

What is a Certified Translator?

COULD I BECOME A CERTIFIED TRANSLATOR? Most of us have heard the words “certified translator” a time or two, but few of us can come up with the job description.  Well, what is a certified translator?  A certified translator is a professional title given to those who have proven their…
by | May 13, 2022

5 Best Translation Management Systems

With the rapid technological advancement in the last two decades, the opportunity for projecting and expanding local businesses in the global markets has increased exponentially. Today, even websites like Amazon are catering to more than 200 countries and are actively using translation management systems or software to automatically switch their…
by | April 23, 2022

What is Fansubbing?

The word fansubbing is a portmanteau of the words fan and sub that are the abbreviations of fan(atics) and sub(title) or sub(titling). With the surge in Japanese anime films, anime fans have begun voluntarily providing subtitling services on specific websites and tv programs. These services are called fansubbing. The fansub…
by | April 23, 2022

The Diversity of Translation

Translation is a vital process that embodies the authors and the masterpieces in other cultures within the varied ideologies of publishers and translators. Have you ever considered how Daniel Defoe’s masterpiece Robinson Crusoe (1719) or the astonishing work Frankenstein by Marry Shelley (1818) were introduced within Turkish culture? One’s perception…
by | April 11, 2022

Is Consecutive Interpretation Different from Simultaneous Translation?

Consecutive translation is a sub-branch of interpreting. As a translation method frequently used in various fields such as conferences and meetings, it can occasionally be confused with simultaneous translation. Simultaneous interpreting is the concurrent interpretation of a speaker; however, the consecutive interpreter translates the speech over the notes they have taken.…
by | April 11, 2022

Online Translation

Since the 1950s, the only way we have been able to cope with the problems of our digitized world is through cooperation with machines.  Actually, the point that we want to make is how we can retrace the problems that we face. Does the system create these problems, or have…
by | April 11, 2022

5 Translation Tips To Boost Its Quality

Translation is the essence of communication between languages and cultures. And, the importance of Turkish-English translation is increasing day by day. In this article, we will learn 5 steps of doing the best translation! Translation in Turkish is easier than ever! The Role of Translation in the Modern Age Today,…
by | March 21, 2022

5 Translation Tips To Boost Its Quality

Translation is the essence of communication between languages and cultures. And, the importance of Turkish-English translation is increasing day by day. In this article, we will learn 5 steps of doing the best translation! Translation in Turkish is easier than ever! The Role of Translation in the Modern Age Today,…
by | March 16, 2022

Behind the Scenes of Community Interpreting: Mediation

The globalizing world brings the issue of migration to the fore every day, and individuals who migrate to different societies face the language obstacle. These individuals need a translation service to handle official paperwork and frequently need interpreting in public affairs. Community translation is a sub-branch of interpretation; it overcomes the language issue while…
by | March 7, 2022

Why Do We Need English Translation All Over The World?

Have you ever thought about why English translation has been so popular for so long? English is the language of global business. Translation helps us to convey our thoughts across the globe. Let’s delve deep into the sea of English translation! The Importance of English Translation for Everyone English is the most widely spoken…
by | February 21, 2022

Turkish Short Stories in The World Of English Translation

No matter how old you are, reading a short story is entertaining. If you think about short stories, how many of you are familiar with the most important Turkish short story writers, and how many of you have read some of their stories already? Do you know how the English translations of Turkish short stories influenced…
by | February 16, 2022

Arabic Translation

Before going on a vacation, we collect things and pack our suitcases. However, most of the time, after saying “yes, I am finally ready for a vacation” we reopen that suitcase and either pull our stuff out or pile more things on top. So, that situation always reminds us of…
by | February 8, 2022

Translation and Its History Throughout Time

Did you know that translation is an ancient profession? When Gilgamesh, the famous Sumerian poem, was translated into Asian languages, the first known translation work was recorded in history. This event dates back to the second millennium BC. Most probably, translation services were carried out even earlier because people always needed a…
by | February 7, 2022

Beyond Translation

Is there a future for translators? The answer will depend on which perspective you take on this question. Translation is a vital practice, which has also played a critical role in causing revolutionary upheavals. After the Covid-19 lockdown, digitalization became turbocharged. Not only has the act of translation become more visible, but…
by | January 31, 2022

English Translation Services

Did you know that businesses that invest in translation services are 1.5 times more likely to see an increase in their revenue? Translating and localizing content is crucial in the age of digital marketing. As the world becomes more interconnected, countries’ economies become more dependent on globalization. Reaching a global…
by | January 24, 2022
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